Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Share: Sharing with Others the Jesus Way

Mission America Coalition Annual Meeting 2007

Kansas City, Mo - October 10, 2007

Mark Mittelberg, Author, The Contagious Church, The Contagious Christian.

Share: Sharing with Others the Jesus Way

Jesus did personal evangelism.

Jesus equipped other people to do personal evangelism.

Jesus commissioned all of us to go and do likewise.

Tom Rainer, Southern Baptist Churches reports:

Ø On average it takes 86 church members a whole year to reach one person for Christ. .

Ø Half of all pastors made NO evangelistic efforts whatsoever.

Ø The numeric evidence is clear: the American Church is dying.

The question:

How do we close this gap in churches that have become cold and inwardly focused?

The Six-Stage Process

1. Live and Evangelistic Life:

It starts with US. How do WE rekindle the flames that always tend to grow cold.

Pray: Admit to God we aren’t where we need to be right now. Ask for forgiveness!

2. Instill evangelistic values. Lead it. Teach it. Demonstrate it. Disciple it. Discuss it. Inspire it. Pray for it.

3. Empower a leader. If its important, put a leader in charge of it.

4. Train people. They’ll do it if they’re ready, prepared, and practiced. Help people take baby steps toward the development of the skill. How many? EVERYBODY. Christ gave the great commission to ALL His followers. Take the training to THEM. To their small group. To their home… or even church-wide at one time in one process: preaching, teaching and cheer leading.

5. Mobilize the church. Unleash the gifts of the people. Unleash the passion of the people.

Lets do what it takes to lift the evangelistic value in the body.


New edition of The Contagious Church is not off the press!

Get it and read it.


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