Six Kingdom Class Awards were presented Saturday, March 8, 2008
Kingdom Class Awards
I'll let you know when I do.
Here are the 2008 Awards:
The very first Kingdom Class Award was given to the Harvey County Homeless Shelter, Penny Dugan director. The Shelter has served over 500 needy people in its 3 years of ministry, ministering the Love and Compassion of Christ to the "least of these." Now, seeking ways to expand their work and become even more effective in helping people not just get a hand out, but a leg up, this ministry is taking steps to truly be able to help people rebuild and restore their lives and truly give them a future and a hope.
The second award went to Rhonda Case of Heartland
Pregnancy Center for her amazing 17 years of work with young womenat a critical stage of their lives. This ministry is there when things are often scary and decisions of life and death hang in the balance. They have been a steadfast blessing to the community for seventeen years, and just recently have added a bold new direction with ministry especially to Fathers and Daughters and Dads and their Sons. Rhonda Case was originally nominated as a ministry individual, but it soon became evident that while the individual truly is deserving, it is fitting to give this award to the entire ministry. She would be the first to agree
The third Kingdom Award went to U-Turn Youth Ministry at Hillcrest Church. This is the Skate Park outreach which has led 50 middle schoolers to faith Christ! Although small in size have been mighty in impact. Inspired by a sense of calling from the Lord – they started with a case of water on a hot day, and have become the catalyst for an entire movement in our community that has involved their entire congregation, six community organizations - and - eight other churches – all focused on working together to reach the most un-reached English speaking
people group in our community. Pastor Doug Ingmire presented the award.
Don Reynolds is a young man, open to the whispers of God.
He is a shining example of Paul's urging to Timothy to let no one look down on his ministry because of his youth. He started a bible study for other young men in his youth group. The group then branched out and into the community to reach kids that no one else was reaching by showing up weekly at the Newton Skate Park to take God's word and God's love to un-churched kids on a weekly basis. By being available to the Lord and faithful to His call, this young man has become an instrument the Lord has used to disciple and encourage other young men and women that would never be reached otherwise. Youth Pastor Mitch Boese presented the award.
The fifth Kingdom Award went to a group which plans the Chisolm Trail Festival Sunday services in the park each year. When planning the events for Sunday, they have always worked hard to make sure that - even as the community was asked to come together and keep the celebration going - Sundays remained an inspiring day for the community to worship together and celebrate faith, family and freedom in the context of the larger weekend events. Pastor Jason Reynolds presented the award.
And, the sixth Kingdom Award went to Steve Kelly CEO of Newton Medical Center for implementing Christian principles of ministry at NMC. Steve has positively impacted the community in ways no one but the Lord can truly count.
Exhibiting Kingdom Class qualities in everything he does, his personal touch and Kingdom mindset have given him a wide reputation for Godly wisdom and excellence among the pastors, business, and civic leaders of our community. Fellow businessman Mark Hutton presented the award.
It is obvious that God is doing great things in our community through willing servants who offer themselves to serve the Lord in this, our first mission field.
"We pursue God because, and only because, He has first put an urge within us that spurs us to the pursuit." A.W. Tozer
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